Sunday, August 29, 2010

2 weeks...

So I have been in Puerto Rico for about 2 weeks now and I am starting to miss bits and parts from home... :(
Aside from missing the family, I have began to miss the food, the Mexican food I ate everyday.  I've discovered that tortillas are not part of this culture, and neither are chiles. Which are 2 key ingredients in all my meals.
Something I noticed from day one, was the dress code here. I noticed it especially in the women of Puerto Rico. Almost everyone, and I mean everyone, (with the exception of one person) goes to school/class very well dressed. Not well dressed like wearing expensive clothing or brands or formally dressed, but very well put together. Everybody. On most days, girls wear heals, make-up, jewelery, have their hair done, etc... something most girls back at home would do when going out. (I'm not saying girls don't do this back at home, we do, maybe not everyday, maybe only when there is time, or for example, not when we have class at 8am, but diffidently not to this degree. Not to class at least) Perhaps that is why at first, I felt like I was in high school again and not a university. I know its a cultural thing, I'd just like to know how or why it is so.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

1 week

So I have been here about a week now, and wow have I gone through some changes. First of all, I have moved universities from San German to San Juan. The university in which I am at now is called Sagrado Corazon.
Like many people I am guessing you may all be wondering why I switched, the reasons are a few but mostly because I was interested in the religious classes they teach here like Theology. Second, the commodity of the professors. Some of my professors at the other school were not exactly professors, but staff. I am not sure how that happened, but I prefer professors and people of the field to teach me a class. Also, a chance of getting a job around here is much, much more higher than back San German. And a I may need to find a job taking into account how much money I am spending just on food... Overall, I wanted to be at a school were I could feel more comfortable and gain the most of the experience, though I know either schools would have been great. I hope I made the right decision, after all, this is my only chance I get to do this. I am planning on entering the Ed program this spring, and well, once I am in that I don't know if studying abroad is a possibility.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 2 in San German, Puerto Rico

So after being here for one whole entire day... I think I may get used to this place. Arriving here was defidently full of surprises. San German, Puerto Rico is not exactly what I imagined. It is much much hotter than I thought, and very humid. Suprisingly to me, there is also no air conditioning in the dorms, nor is there internet... :( And the bugs here are huge! But the views and the natural tropical campus is beautiful. When I go to bed, the windows are left open, and silent night does not apply to this place. It is a noisy yet pleasant tropical forest out there.
I have not many any local students yet, and have not gone on and about outside the campus, but tomorrow I hope I will. Tomorrow I hope to explore old San German. So expect to see pictures soon!

 First glimpse of Puerto Rico: San Juan

nope, this ain't no jungle, this is campus.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

2 Days Before Leaving... :(

It is about two days before I leave to Puerto Rico for fall term and I can not believe I am going! The more and more I think about it, the more unreal it seems to me. Is this normal? I hope so haha.  Overall, I guess I am really excited about my trip there but, I'm scared. I am afraid I wont like it. I fear I wont like being away from my normal way of life here in the Oregon. Getting use to not working at my weekend job were I've been at for over 3 years, getting use to not singing in the choir that I have been a part of for over 8 years, attending WOU, hanging out with friends and my family and boyfriend.... is going to be very difficult for me. But deep down I know this trip will be very beneficial for me. It will be a great experience where I will grow not only as a student, but as a potential future bilingual teacher and as person. I am very happy with my decision and I thank God, my parents, and all of those around me who support me on this trip. (WOU, faculty, professors, advisers, & friends...) THANK YOU ALL!
