Tuesday, August 10, 2010

2 Days Before Leaving... :(

It is about two days before I leave to Puerto Rico for fall term and I can not believe I am going! The more and more I think about it, the more unreal it seems to me. Is this normal? I hope so haha.  Overall, I guess I am really excited about my trip there but, I'm scared. I am afraid I wont like it. I fear I wont like being away from my normal way of life here in the Oregon. Getting use to not working at my weekend job were I've been at for over 3 years, getting use to not singing in the choir that I have been a part of for over 8 years, attending WOU, hanging out with friends and my family and boyfriend.... is going to be very difficult for me. But deep down I know this trip will be very beneficial for me. It will be a great experience where I will grow not only as a student, but as a potential future bilingual teacher and as person. I am very happy with my decision and I thank God, my parents, and all of those around me who support me on this trip. (WOU, faculty, professors, advisers, & friends...) THANK YOU ALL!


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