Sunday, August 22, 2010

1 week

So I have been here about a week now, and wow have I gone through some changes. First of all, I have moved universities from San German to San Juan. The university in which I am at now is called Sagrado Corazon.
Like many people I am guessing you may all be wondering why I switched, the reasons are a few but mostly because I was interested in the religious classes they teach here like Theology. Second, the commodity of the professors. Some of my professors at the other school were not exactly professors, but staff. I am not sure how that happened, but I prefer professors and people of the field to teach me a class. Also, a chance of getting a job around here is much, much more higher than back San German. And a I may need to find a job taking into account how much money I am spending just on food... Overall, I wanted to be at a school were I could feel more comfortable and gain the most of the experience, though I know either schools would have been great. I hope I made the right decision, after all, this is my only chance I get to do this. I am planning on entering the Ed program this spring, and well, once I am in that I don't know if studying abroad is a possibility.

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